Enhancing youth employability

Sungi’s Vision on Youth Development

Youth development and engaging with young men and women has always been at the heart of Sungi’s strategic plan and interventions for the last 28 years. Through its set milestones, SDF strongly recognizes the critical role of youth both men and women and therefore works with youth centric approaches towards employability and engagement and leadership.

Sungi believes internships are an extension or a complement to classroom training that aims to expose young trainees to the world of work and provide hands-on professional experience. This is often the first and most important job placement strategy for organizations working for youth empowerment.

1. Internships:

Internships provide youth an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills (both hard and soft) in an actual work environment and to adapt to new workplace situations. Sungi’s Internship program aims to give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths. The purpose is to complement development-oriented studies with practical experience by offering opportunity to acquire exposure to Sungi’s work.

Sungi fulfills a civic and professional responsibility by providing fresh graduates with real work experience, besides guiding and evaluating talent to support short-term positions and projects.Internship programs also help identify and train potential future employees.

What we are offering:

Sungi provides following benefits through its Internship program:

  • Gain valuable career-related experience in a real-world environment Social Skills: Communication, conflict management, decision making and leadership Employability Skills: Presentation, interview, CV building, and job huntingCross Cutting Capacities: Gender mainstreaming, organizational values and culture, etc.
  • Sector Specific Capacity and exposure: Strategic planning, communications, advocacy, policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, human resources, programme planning, research and knowledge management, finance, and ICT, etc.

What we want to achieve:

Through its youth leadership programme, Sungi aims at achieving

  • Improved economic outcomes and enhancing viability of education for youth
  • Ability to apply their learning in professional set-up
  • Gain self-confidence and adaptability with the professional environment
  • Ability to work in teams and relate to/communicate with others
  • Ability to choose their career path, organize themselves, and use time efficiently
  • Ability to assess and improve on their strengths and weaknesses
  • Ability to be responsible and follow through on commitments

Who are Interns?

  • Interns are usually university graduates who have received their respective degrees not more than two years prior, and who come to Sungi to learn and gain practical field experience.
  • They have no ‘employment’ relationship but are paid a monthly stipend to help meet their basic needs.
  • Sungi is equal opportunity employer and highly encourages women and youth from extremely vulnerable families/groups.
  • Interns are usually associated with Sungi for a period of one to six months. In exceptional circumstances, the period may be extended to one year and beyond with the approval of the Executive Director.

All interns are required to:

  • Give joining report duly signed by supervisor;
  • Sign attendance register daily; and
  • Obtain clearance when leaving Sungi.

The Interns is eligible for:

  • A moderate monthly stipend will be paid to interns taken on board and explicitly deputized by Sungi’s in its own areas of need
  • Per diem as and when applicable as per Sungi’s policy
  • Two days’ leave in a month
  • Attending internal meetings and workshops etc.

2. Promoting Volunteerism

Sungi also engages youth in carrying out emergency responses to natural disasters and community work. It promotes volunteerism among the youth and also strengthens its disaster response program by providing ever ready, young and enthusiastic workforce. Students learn how to conduct need assessments, plan and carry out emergency responses and Sungi enables itself to perform in a more effective way in an event of disaster. Volunteers to be engaged in emergency responses are identified by Sungi’s Emergency Response Team. Taking on board the volunteers is solely based on the need, geography and the nature of disaster and subsequent response as planned by Sungi.

How to Apply

  • Candidates interested for internship at SDF may apply by;
  • Dropping profile by hand or by courier to our head office or regional office.
  • Directly Email us at jobs@sungi.org
  • Via university
  • Signup on our website and create your profile for our database

Submit your application